Daisy Lantern Sleeve Shirt Pattern Review by Crystal

Still on and about the Black History Month Pattern Designers Challenge and today's post is another review of one of my sewing patterns, the Daisy lantern sleeve shirt pattern by Crystal. I had shared her Instagram post of her make of the daisy shirt in the last post and here is her detailed review she made on her Youtube channel. I am happy to hear that she enjoyed using the pattern. This review and the last review I posted are their independent reviews and their candid opinions.

Below are some other makes of the Daisy shirts that I have rounded up from Instagram.

Earlier this week, I got to see another make of the Aria sewing pattern by @sonikkisews on Instagram.
She says the top is a cutie and a quick make and she loves it! 😍

You can also read about her review on her website.

If you have bought any of my patterns, please leave me feedback or review on the platform you have purchased them (Makerist or Etsy)  or on patternreview.com. also tag me on Instagram. I look forward to seeing them.

PS: Sewing patterns are still on sale on my Etsy store till the end of February for the  #BHMPatternDesigners challenge. 
