Misses Basic Bodice Block Revised and Updated

Did you download our free bodice block? Oops I just noticed a little ish on the back bodice shoulder dart. The dart legs aren’t trued, that is when you close the darts, the back shoulder line doesn’t match up properly. Did you notice? My bad. I am sorry for this oversight and I have corrected it. I have brought down the old download link and here is the link to the revised and updated pattern in Size 10 only. https://dl.orangedox.com/zouUyc47bmhWFZ20j0 Did you purchase the full size range, please check your email for download link for the updated version. If you have downloaded any of our patterns, I would sincerely appreciate your feedback. POST UPDATE, 11TH APRIL,2017 So the link I posted above is for the free trouser block and not the revised basic bodice block. I am sorry once again. Here is the new link.